Altoshift Features

Altoshift Features

One of the best things about site search is that almost everyone is familiar with the concept of being online and starting their journey with a keyword search. The search results page is one of the most frequented pages of a website and yet all too often is the case that you’ll perform a simple search only to be shown ‘product not found’ ‘article doesn’t exist’ or be served a page of totally irrelevant results. Today’s internet user has very little patience when it comes to this kind of user experience and will usually be off to a competitor’s site within seconds.

In the current economic climate, it is crucial that you invest in areas of your online business that can deliver and deliver quickly. Furthermore, anything that assists the innovation of your site whilst engaging existing customers and attracting new ones gives your brand the opportunity to rise above the competition and improve the performance of your online business. Of course, there are a number of technology areas worth considering but I’d strongly advocate that you consider investing in a dedicated site search solution for two simple but very important reasons: the effects are tangible and immediate. And one of the best solution provider company is named as Altoshift. It is most effective and efficient service provider. It is proved by a client that Altoshift can help you in increasing your sales up to 40%.

AltoShift is a search solution to help you create fast, smart and customizable search function for your website and mobile app. Whether you are e-commerce stores, blogs and review sites, online news or content provider, use AltoShift to make your products and content become searchable for your customers. Altoshift analytics helps you analyze customers intent to deliver better search results and help them find what they are looking for. With AltoShift , you can get your search function up and running without the hassle of developing and maintaining your own search function. We help you take care of the search function so you can concentrate on your business. AltoShift helps you create great search experience for your customers.

Following is the list of goals of Altoshift:

Increase Sales & Engagement

Your search bar is the main context for customers to search for your products and content. Altoshift can Increase your sales and engagement by helping them find products instantly.

Typo Tolerance

Altoshift can help your customers find what they are looking for, event Hough there are typos when they search.

Search Analytics

Altoshift Know what your customers are searching in your site and analyze search intent.

Customize Search Result

Altoshift manage What You Want Your Customers to See in Your Search Result Page. Direct Them to the Content That Is Important for Them.

Quick Implementation

Integrate Using Our Altoshift’s APIs. Get Your Search Function Up and Running Without Months of Coding.

AI - Powered

Altoshift’s machine learning system makes your search smarter overtime.

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